LTD Liability Co



Get the Facts:

About Our Firm

Foreclosure Surplus Recovery

Welcome to Morisset Asset Holdings, LTD Liability Co,
Where we specialize in asset recovery with a commitment that goesnbeyond reclaiming your funds – it’s about gaining your trust and building a lasting relationship that extends far beyond the recovery process.

Our Dedication to Homeowners Facing Foreclosure: in the realm of asset recovery, we understand the complexities homeowners face after foreclosure. Many aren’t fully aware of the process and the  benefits  that follow. At Morisset Asset Holdings, LTD Liability Co, we are dedicated to helping homeowners navigate this challenging time. importantly, we never charge our clients directly

No Out Of Pocket Cost

Your pocket remains untouched during our investigation reposting and searches on your behalf. Our goal is not to burden you with additional fees but to help you emerge from financial strain. if there are funds waiting to be claimed, we'll find them, and you'll be rightfully awarded without any upfront costs. Our fees are discreetly deducted by the courts and sent to us, while the remainder i promptly delivered to you.

Banks & Employer Recovery

Bank and Employer Recovery: Beyond foreclosure assistance, Morisset Asset Holdings, LTD Liability C, proudly offer Bank and Employer Recovery services. if you've experienced checked from employer's or Bank returned and held by the government. we're here to help. Our commitment to transparency sets us apart. We understand the skepticism that may araise when dealing with asset recovery, and we strive to demystify the process, ensuring clarity and trust.

Why Trust Us, You ask ?

We Are Registered with The state of NJ

This is definitely NOT a scam

Your financial well-being is our first priority.

Join us on this journey towards financial recovery.


At Morisset Asset Holdings, LTD Liability Co, we don’t just reclaim assets; we build relationships that last. Trust us to be your partner in securing what rightfully belongs to you. 

Building relationships one recovery at a time


Transparency: Morisset Asset Holdings maintains open communication, providing clients with clear insights into the entire process, making them well-informed about their financial transactions.


Client-Centric Approach:

We tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring a personalized experience. Moreover, clients are not required to come out of pocket, exemplifying our commitment to their financial well-being.


Morisset Asset Holdings LTD Liability Co. is committed to building trust with clients through transparent and ethical practices.

Drive & Professionalism:

Drive and Professionalism: Our team exhibits a strong drive for success and maintains the highest level of professionalism in all interactions, ensuring clients receive top-notch service.

Attention to Detail

We pride ourselves on meticulous attention to detail, ensuring accuracy and precision in every aspect of the process, from documentation to fund disbursement.



The Superior Court Trust Fund is a temporary depository for funds claimed in connection with litigation in the New Jersey Superior Court or of funds to be deposited under the jurisdiction of the New Jersey Supreme Court.

This guide is provided to assist individuals or attorneys seeking to deposit into and withdraw funds from court. Attorneys and self-represented litigants who have interaction with the Trust Fund should be familiar with and comply with all applicable rules, statutes and regulations.

The general rules applying to the deposit of funds into Court and withdrawal of funds from Court are found in R. 4:57. If the funds being withdrawn are surplus funds from a foreclosure action, R. 4:64-3 also applies, as does R. 4:64-9 if the motion is being

Who does the surplus funds from a foreclosure sale generally belong to?

In most states, a foreclosure ends with a public auction where the property is sold to a new owner. When a foreclosure sale results in surplus funds (money over and above what’s needed to pay off all the liens on the property), this extra money belongs to you (the homeowner), not the lender

What is an Unclaimed Funds Broker?

People who help others find money and other assets they are owed are known as unclaimed property brokers. In some cases, people who know or believe they have property they can’t find, contact a broker to help them locate it and fill out the paperwork necessary to claim it.

In other cases, brokers find the property first, then look for the “lost” or “missing” owner. This guarantees the broker that there is unclaimed property and avoids wild goose chases on behalf of clients who aren’t sure if they have unclaimed property or if it’s even findable.

When an unclaimed funds broker is able to find both unclaimed property and the person it belongs to, the broker contacts the person to let them know. The broker is under no legal obligation to tell the person where the property is or how to get it. For that information, the broker asks for a percentage of the found property

How Do Transactions Work?

When property goes unclaimed for a specific period (based on each state’s laws), the funds go to the state, which must hold them until they are claimed. Many properties go unclaimed for years. States put the unclaimed property into a state funds list database that citizens can search for free online. This is where unclaimed property brokers come in.

Some people make their livings, or extra income, searching these databases and trying to contact the property owners. This is often difficult because people have moved with no forwarding address or other contact information. In fact, the original holders of the property must try to contact these people before they turn the property over to the state.

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(15-20 mins)

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• Risk-Free Exploration

• Expert Guidance

• Comprehensive Assessment

• Clarity on Services

• No Obligation

• Confidentiality

• Empowerment through Information

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@morisset asset holdings


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PHONE NUMBER: 18083362108

E-MAIL: Info@monstasantholdings.com


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